Early Years Pupil Premium
The Government provides additional funding for the education of some 3 and 4-year olds. The criteria for eligibility are
- Children from low income families (as defined by the criteria for free school meals).
- Children who have been looked after for 1 day or more (Children's Social Care).
- Children who have been adopted from local authority care in England and Wales.
- Children who have left care under a special guardianship order or child arrangement order in England or Wales.
The funding equates to £353.40 per year if a child takes up their full 570 hours of free early education entitlement.
We use Early Years Pupil Premium Grant to put in additional support and staffing for these children based on evidence of effective Early Years provision from the Education Endowment Foundation. Support includes developing children's wellbeing and involvement, helping children to develop their communication and language skills and developing literacy.
Support is tailored to children's individual needs. Sometimes there may be a group of children with a similar need, on these occasions we will put on a special project for that group e.g. building social skills through Forest Nursery, developing their cultural capital through visits in the locality. Otherwise, a teaching assistant works with the children individually or releases their key person so they can work with the child on an individual level.
In the 2022/23 academic year we received £11,538.30 in EYPP. Data for children moving into reception in September 2023 for whom we received EYPP funding showed that the children made good progress in the focus areas of personal, social and emotional development; communication and language; and literacy.
The majority of children eligible for EYPP attended school daily for their 3-hour sessions rather than combining sessions into longer periods. Consequently, they benefitted from regular educational input 5 days per week.
In 2023/24 additional provision will be made for children eligible for EYPP including experiences planned to extend their cultural capital by visits in the local community e.g. going to the library to read books; visits to local landmarks; visit to Nelson cenotaph for Remembrance Day; and a theatre trip